Preventive medical checkup (health checkup) Salzburg

Dr. Kastner, Salzburg — Preventive medical checkup:

The health check is a free pre­ven­ti­ve pro­gram of the social insurances!

With the health check, risk fac­tors and dise­a­ses can be detec­ted ear­ly and suc­cess­ful­ly pre­ven­ted or treated.

Focal points are

  • Ear­ly detec­tion of risk fac­tors for car­dio­vascu­lar diseases

  • Ear­ly detec­tion of cancer

  • Ear­ly detec­tion of risk fac­tors for meta­bo­lic diseases

All per­sons over the age of 18 who are resi­dent in Aus­tria can take advan­ta­ge of the pre­ven­ti­ve medi­cal check­up once a year free of charge.

Per­sons who do not have health insuran­ce can also take advan­ta­ge of the scree­ning exami­na­ti­on if they obtain a repla­ce­ment health insuran­ce cer­ti­fi­ca­te for the exami­na­ti­on from the regio­nal health insuran­ce fund respon­si­ble for their place of residence.

detail­ed ana­mne­sis (ques­tio­ning about the sta­te of health and lifestyle)

Exten­ded health examination:

Upon request, we offer an exten­si­on of the healt­hy examination:

this addi­tio­nal­ly includes:

exten­ded blood exami­na­ti­on (addi­tio­nal­ly: dif­fe­ren­ti­al blood count inde­pen­dent of sex, blood sedi­men­ta­ti­on, uric acid, addi­tio­nal liver values GOT/AST and GPT/ALT, bili­ru­bin, thy­ro­id, kid­ney, PSA in men inde­pen­dent of age)
Exami­na­ti­on of stool for blood inde­pen­dent of age
Elec­tro­car­dio­gra­phy (ECG)
Lung func­tion test (spi­ro­me­try)

€ 79,–

Upon request, fur­ther exami­na­ti­ons such as HIV tes­ting can be per­for­med (sub­ject to a fee).

  • cli­ni­cal exami­na­ti­on of the body
  • blood pres­su­re measurement
    cal­cu­la­ti­on and body mass index
  • Blood exami­na­ti­on of (total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol/quotient, tri­gly­ce­ri­des, blood sugar, liver value gam­ma-GT, for women addi­tio­nal­ly a blood count, for men over 50 years of age addi­tio­nal­ly pro­sta­te PSA)
  • Uri­na­ly­sis
  • Exami­na­ti­on of the stool for blood (hemoc­cult, for women and men over the age of 50)

You will need 2 appointments:

1st appoint­ment: Blood collection

Blood draws take place every Mon­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day star­ting at 08:00.
Plea­se appe­ar sober (do not eat or drink anything after mid­ni­ght).
In case of diz­zi­ness and ten­den­cy to col­lap­se, we are hap­py to per­form the blood draw while you are lying down

2nd appoint­ment: Dis­cus­sion appointment

Car­ry­ing out of all fur­ther exami­na­ti­ons (uri­ne, stool, blood pres­su­re mea­su­re­ment,…) and dis­cus­sion of findings

Sign up for a scree­ning right away:

Make an appointment

General practitioner Dr. Kastner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan