Our Team

Ordination Kastner - Team 1

Dr. med univ. Thomas Kastner

Gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ner, district phy­si­ci­an for the com­mu­nities of Wals-Sie­zen­heim and Großgmain

  • Stu­dies at the Karl-Fran­zens-Uni­ver­si­ty Graz


  • 2008 take­over of the medi­cal prac­ti­ce in Rie­den­burg, Salzburg
  • from 2006 as an inde­pen­dent elec­ti­ve phy­si­ci­an in Aigen-Schlägl
  • one year employ­ment in the medi­cal cen­ter Bad Vigaun
  • Trai­ning as a gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ner in the Salz­burg Pro­vin­cial Clinics
Diplo­ma — Acupuncture
Diplo­ma — Occup­a­tio­nal Medicine
Diplo­ma — Spa, Pre­ven­ti­ve and Well­ness Medicine
Diplo­ma — Manu­al Medicine
Diplo­ma — Neural Therapy
Diplo­ma — DFP (pro­of of ongo­ing training)
Diplo­ma — Emer­gen­cy Medicine
ACLS (Advan­ced Car­diac Life Sup­port) Ame­ri­can Heart Asso­cia­ti­on (AHA)
PALS (Pediatric Advan­ces Life Sup­port) Ame­ri­can Heart Asso­cia­ti­on (AHA)
PHTLS (Pre Hos­pi­tal Trau­ma Life Sup­port) Ame­ri­can Heart Asso­cia­ti­on (AHA)
Radia­ti­on pro­tec­tion basic training
Cer­ti­fi­ca­te of the Aus­tri­an Socie­ty for Qua­li­ty Assuran­ce and Qua­li­ty Management

The two souls in our team, with us sin­ce the begin­ning, with years of expe­ri­ence, always with an open ear for any con­cerns of our pati­ents: Johan­na Kas­t­ner and Manue­la Humer.

Ordination Kastner - Kastner Thomas 2

Dr. med univ.
Kas­t­ner Thomas
Gene­ral practitioner

Ordination Kastner - Kastner Johanna 1

Kas­t­ner Johanna
Dipl. medi­cal assistant

Ordination Kastner - Humer Manuela 1

Humer Manue­la
Dipl. medi­cal assistant