Contact & Directions

Dr. Thomas Kastner

Neu­tor­stra­ße 57

5020 Salz­burg

Pho­ne: 43 (0)662 833936


Mon­day: 08:00–12:00
Tues­day: 15:00–19:00
Wed­nes­day: 15:00–19:00
Thurs­day: 08:00–12:00
Fri­day: 08:00–12:00

Direct access is pos­si­ble via Max­gla­ner Haupt­stra­ße or Neu­tor­stra­ße as well as via Bräuhausstraße.

During office hours, par­king is pos­si­ble direct­ly in front of the office.

The­re are suf­fi­ci­ent par­king spaces available.

Line 1 or 10: Stop “Bräu­haus­stra­ße


Salz­burg rou­te net­work map: open / download

Linie 1:

Time­ta­ble line 1 direc­tion Lehen: open / download

Time­ta­ble line 1 direc­tion Kleß­heim: open / download

Linie 10:

Time­ta­ble line 10 direc­tion Sam: open / download

Time­ta­ble line 10 direc­tion Wals: open / download

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