Driver’s license examination in Salzburg

Expert doctor for driving license examinations in Salzburg

As an appoin­ted expert phy­si­ci­an, I con­duct driver’s licen­se exami­na­ti­ons in my Salz­burg | Rie­den­burg | Max­glan office.

Do not for­get to bring an offi­cial pho­to ID (pass­port, ID card, driver’s licen­se, etc.).

I request an appoint­ment:

Make an appointment


For a medi­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­te accord­ing to § 8 Abs 1 FSG-GV the per­son to be exami­ned has to pay to the expert doctor:

  1. from an app­li­cant for a group 1 dri­ving licen­se € 35.00 (class A, B, B+E, F)
  2. from an app­li­cant for a group 2 dri­ving licen­se € 50,00 (class C1+E, D, C+E, G) whe­re the exami­na­ti­on for group 1 is inclu­ded in this amount
  3. for repeat exami­na­ti­ons € 30.00. If a per­son is assi­gned to the public health offi­cer pur­suant to § 22 (4), the expert phy­si­ci­an shall be enti­t­led to only 50% of the abo­ve-men­tio­ned fee.
Ordination Kastner - Thomas Kastner 2

General practitioner Dr. Kastner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan