Dr Kastner, Salzburg — Blood sampling & laboratory tests

Ordination Kastner - Blutabnahme 1

Blood sampling:

We take blood every Mon­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day bet­ween 08:00 and 09:00.

For capa­ci­ty rea­sons, blood draws are only per­for­med on pati­ents who are under­go­ing tre­at­ment with us! Plea­se make an appoint­ment:

Make an appointment

Laboratory tests:

All labo­ra­to­ry tests are offe­red. Many rele­vant values can be per­for­med immedia­te­ly in the Salz­burg | Rie­den­burg | Max­glan office.

  • Blood:
    e.g.: Inflamma­ti­on para­me­ters (anti­bio­tic necessa­ry?), car­diac enzy­mes (acu­te myo­car­di­al infarc­tion, myo­car­di­tis,..) blood thin­ning (INR), bio­mar­kers to exclu­de thrombosis/pulmonary embo­lism, blood sugar, …
  • Uri­na­ly­sis:
    important test pro­ce­du­re for the detec­tion of dise­a­ses of the kid­ney, ure­ter, blad­der and urethra.
  • Stool exami­na­ti­on (hemoc­cult test):

    This test can detect minu­te traces of blood in the stool.
    (Ear­ly detec­tion of colo­rec­tal cancer!)

Other labo­ra­to­ry tests are sent to a lar­ge labo­ra­to­ry, and most results are avail­ab­le 24 h after blood draw.

General practitioner Dr. Kastner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan