Living will Salzburg

Ordination Kastner - Thomas Kastner 1

Living will — information & education: Dr. Kastner, Salzburg:

The living will offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to exer­cise self-deter­mi­na­ti­on in advan­ce. It is a writ­ten decla­ra­ti­on of intent in the event of the loss of your own capa­ci­ty to act.

It allows you to refu­se cer­tain medi­cal mea­su­res or arti­fi­cial life-pro­lon­ging tre­at­ments in the event of an ill­ness or inju­ry that is cer­tain to lead to death.

1. Con­si­derable living will:

The phy­si­ci­an SHOULD adhe­re to a con­si­derable living will! You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to crea­te a con­si­derable living will. This does not requi­re a veri­fia­ble infor­med con­sent from a phy­si­ci­an and legal pro­fes­sio­nal. (a medi­cal clea­ring-up dis­cus­sion should take place nevertheless).

2. bin­ding living will (recom­men­ded):

The phy­si­ci­an MUST adhe­re to a bin­ding living will. In this form, all rejec­ted mea­su­res must be spe­ci­fi­cal­ly descri­bed. The­re must be evi­dence of a com­pre­hen­si­ve medi­cal explana­ti­on. Fur­ther, your signa­tu­re must be given befo­re a lawy­er, who ther­eby con­firms the cor­rect­ness. This type of living will remains bin­ding for 5 years and must then be recon­fir­med, other­wi­se it will be con­ver­ted into a con­si­derable living will.

A living will can be revo­ked by you at any time!

Every living will can be regis­tered in the living will regis­ter of the Aus­tri­an notary’s office as well as attor­neys upon request. In coope­ra­ti­on with the Aus­tri­an Red Cross, the­re is an Aus­tria-wide access opti­on for hos­pi­tals to the living will register.

Plea­se note that the exis­tence of an advan­ce direc­ti­ve in the event of an emer­gen­cy makes the decisi­on much easier not only for us doc­tors but also for the rela­ti­ves and gives you as a pati­ent the pos­si­bi­li­ty of a digni­fied end of life!

At pre­sent, unfor­tu­n­a­te­ly, only about 4% of Aus­tri­ans have drawn up an advan­ce directive.

Crea­ti­on of a living will: € 90,–
Renew after 5 years: € 50,–

Tem­pla­tes of the pati­ent repre­sen­ta­ti­on Salz­burg for a living will:

1. Con­si­derable living will: PDF-Down­load

2. Bin­ding living will: PDF-Down­load

We are hap­py to ans­wer any ques­ti­ons you may have. Make an appoint­ment here.

General practitioner Dr. Kastner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan