Ultrasound treatment Salzburg | Riedenburg | Maxglan

Ultrasound treatment:

This tre­at­ment impro­ves blood cir­cu­la­ti­on and cell meta­bo­lism in deeper tis­su­es, ther­eby sup­por­ting healing. Ultra­sound the­ra­py shows very good results in all acu­te and chro­nic pain con­di­ti­ons of the mus­cu­los­keletal sys­tem, such as for example:

  • Mus­cle ten­si­on (neck and back pain)

  • Heel spur

  • Arthro­ses (joint abrasions)

  • Ove­r­use syn­dro­mes such as ten­nis elbow and golfer’s elbow

  • Ten­don sheath inflammations

  • Bur­si­tis

  • mus­cle, ten­don and joint injuries

General practitioner Dr. Kastner, Salzburg / Riedenburg / Maxglan