Appointment Dr. Kastner Salzburg

Please make an appointment in our office Salzburg — Riedenburg — Maxglan!

To save you unne­cessa­ry long wai­t­ing times we ask you to make an appoint­ment!Kon­tak­tie­ren Sie uns:

You can find a 24h online appoint­ment here:

Online appoint­ment

Also in acute cases

we request that you con­ta­ct us by tele­pho­ne. If urgent medi­cal assi­s­tance is nee­ded, we will always find an inser­ti­on appoint­ment for you! If necessa­ry, on the same day!

Pati­ents without appoint­ments must expect lon­ger wai­t­ing times!

Your sur­ge­ry team Dr. Kas­t­ner, Salzburg