• Ordination Kastner - Slider Thomas Kastner 2
  • Ordination Kastner - Slider Thomas Kastner 1

WHO 1948 defi­ni­ti­on of health: “Health is a sta­te of com­ple­te men­tal, phy­si­cal and social well-being and not merely free­dom from dise­a­se and infir­mi­ty. To enjoy the best pos­si­ble sta­te of health is a fun­da­men­tal right of every human being, without dis­tinc­tion of race, reli­gi­on, poli­ti­cal belief, eco­no­mic or social position.”

Taking care of it is our job!

GKK §2‑Gebietskrankenkasse SVA-Sozi­al­ver­si­che­rungs­an­stalt d. gewerbl. Wirt­schaft SVB-Sozi­al­ver­si­che­rungs­an­stalt der Bau­ern BVA Ver­si­che­rungs­an­stalt öffentl. Bediens­te­ter VA Ver­si­che­rungs­an­stalt für Eisen­bah­nen u. Berg­bau KFA (Magis­trats­be­diens­te­te Salzburg)

Ordination Kastner - Thomas Kastner 1

Tasks of the general practitioner — why a family doctor?

The foun­da­ti­on of our health care sys­tem is the gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ner or fami­ly doc­tor. He is the first con­ta­ct and trus­ted doc­tor with whom you can dis­cuss all health pro­blems on the one hand and per­so­nal mat­ters on the other.

Your Dr. Tho­mas Kas­t­ner, Gene­ral Prac­ti­tio­ner, Salz­burg / Rie­den­burg / Maxglan

  • First and cen­tral con­ta­ct for all health pro­blems and medi­cal questions

  • pri­ma­ry health care for all age groups child­ren, adults, seni­ors, with a focus on a long-term pati­ent-doc­tor rela­ti­ons­hip based on trust

  • Over­all view of the patient’s health (do the threads come together).

  • Coor­di­na­tor and gui­de in the health care sys­tem (see dia­gram Cooperation)

  • Dia­gno­sis and tre­at­ment of any dise­a­se (inclu­ding life-threa­tening dise­a­se sta­tes, e.g. emer­gen­cy measures

  • Medi­ca­ti­on manage­ment “do I real­ly need to take all this, what is it for?”

  • Health pro­mo­ti­on and prevention

  • Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with medi­cal spe­cia­lists, other health care pro­fes­sio­nals and health care faci­li­ties (espe­cial­ly hospital)